Saturday, November 30, 2013

Power Prop WW1 Glider - Bleriot XI

I saw this glider for sale on E-bay and I just had to have it.  I think it cost me about $5.00 which was pretty reasonable.  I have made earlier posts about the set of 12 WW1 gliders.  Each of them came in paper envelope packages.  This glider is in a cardboard backed package overlaid with plastic, just like the WW2 gliders that I posted about a while back.  This package says the glider is from 1977 and it was made in Japan.  What a find! This was the first time in several years of collecting that I have ever seen a glider like this for sale.  Now if only I can find the other 11....

Power Prop WW1 Glider - Bleriot XI

1 comment:

  1. Te tengo los otros 11 en sus empaques originales
