Saturday, January 25, 2014

Power Prop Flying Gliders (in wrong packages) - #1 Focke Wulf 190 A-4

This is not how the glider that comes in this package is supposed to look.  This is a copy of the Power Prop Gliders #7 Focke-Wulf FW190 that comes in the red and blue envelopes, of which I have already posted pictures of.  This is a nearly exact copy although the quality of the printing on the wings of this glider is quite poor compared to my other glider.  I don't think it is a coincidence that the FW190  from the red and blue package set made it into the FW190 package set.  It is pretty clear to me that this was deliberate.

Power Prop Flying Gliders (in wrong packages) - #1 Focke Wulf 190 A-4


  1. There was another maker of foam Planes that were higher quality i suspect Japanese, i remember i had a bronco twin boom vietnam recon plane and a macci mc202 fighter from them , the plastic nose weight was heavier than the Taiwan ones , ,can't remember the company

    1. If you ever do figure it out, please comment the maker. I'd be curious to see what sort of gliders they made.
