Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pocket Gliders (PG12) - Introduction

This is my collection of Pocket Gliders which appear to be from the series PG12.  They were made in Taiwan by a company called Fly Leader.  I bought them from a company in the UK.  I have 2 sets of them.  One set is still in the original packaging as shown in the picture below.  I have assembled and photographed the other set for this blog.  Quite a while ago I posted pictures of a Pocket Glider series which had 9 gliders in the set.  They were quite small in size in comparison to these gliders.  Some of the gliders in that set of 9 are also pictured here in this set of 6.

Pocket Gliders (PG12) - Introduction


  1. These are the gliders I mentioned in the smaller glider post that you did, and these as I recall are the LAST supergliders to be made by Taiwan, being the Jet gliders are made by China...

  2. I wonder if some are still being made? Check out this website:
