Sunday, March 16, 2014

Power Prop Gliders - Box

The same E-bay vendor that sold me the set of 12 gliders also sold me the rest of the box of gliders too.  I had been searching for these gliders for so very long and now I have a ton of them.  I think there are about 40 gliders total but there is only 1 complete set of 12 in the whole bunch.  Here are some picture of the box.

Power Prop Gliders - front of the box
Power Prop Gliders - left side of the box
Power Prop Gliders - reverse side of the box
Power Prop Gliders - right side of the box

Power Prop Gliders - top of the box

Power Prop Gliders - inside the box


  1. Haha! The ones we ended up bidding together on! However I let you win it because you wanted them more and plus you are a genuine collector of these little beauties!

    1. I remember that :) At some point I have to sell off some of the collection. I have lots of duplicates!

  2. These power prop gliders, they're all the same: Dodgy spelling, false packaging and misleading collector cards, it should have been ILLEGAL to sell those toys in such a way! :(
    I'm not saying I hate them and I'm not ranting about you and this blog, but why did they have to confuse us as kids?
