Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Counterfeit Power Prop Flying Gliders - #11 Spitfire MK1

Nope... definitely not a Spitfire.  It looks more like a Type 4 Fighter Hayate.
Counterfeit Power Prop Flying Gliders - #11 Spitfire MK1
Counterfeit Power Prop Flying Gliders - #11 Spitfire MK1
Counterfeit Power Prop Flying Gliders - #11 Spitfire MK1


  1. I think this Hayafire Mk.I is one of the Kamikaze bunch aiming at USS Binliner

  2. This is actually the first glider that I got from my brother-in-law that I mentioned in my very very first post on this blog. It looks ridiculous, but it'll stick around for a while for sentimental reasons. I have another one just like this where the printer wasn't lined up properly and the wings are half white styrofoam.

  3. Well, there is some historical value despite being a counterfeit....The Kamikaze Squadrons that operated in September 1945 flew in similar colours...unfortunately though they did stick out like a sore thumb, and the red on the inner wings are technically where a bomb would be placed in the aircraft as well as the fuel it carried...

    1. I always thought of this glider as a really badly counterfeited Spitfire, but you are right! It really does resemble a Zero. Oh, did you notice how some person from Hong Kong is selling these gliders as "Counterfeit Power Prop Gliders" on E-bay and is using my pictures? :) At lease they are being honest haha.
