Friday, June 19, 2015

Flying Gliders - #7 Couswell Lightning (FOUND)

After about 8 years of collecting gliders, this glider finally came up for sale on E-bay.  I bought it right away as there is no doubt in my mind that this is the real deal.  

I thought the description would say "LOCKHEED OR LIGHTNING" but instead it says "COUSWELL LIGHTNING".  Considering that this is a made in Taiwan glider, I know it is an authentic glider.   

These are the E-bay pictures.  I currently don't have the glider as I have yet to pick it up from the address that I use in the U.S.A. to get my packages shipped to.  I will post pictures of the actual glider whenever I get it.

Flying Gliders - #7 Couswell Lightning
Flying Gliders - #7 Couswell Lightning
Flying Gliders - #7 Couswell Lightning
Flying Gliders - #7 Couswell Lightning
Flying Gliders - #7 Couswell Lightning


  1. Well well after all this time you finally got it. It took a lot of collecting but still at least you have the complete collection! And the name of this particular release gives me a little giggle ''Cousewell Lightning''? What kind of name is that?! HAHA! But still, regardless it is still the original ''Lightning'' or the Ki-61 Hien. Chances are you probably got one of the last ones before the print was retired and replaced with the P-38 Lightning. Still congratulations on your new young'n! And I hope this doesn't stop you collecting in the process! Best to you! (Eric)

    1. Was Cousewell even an aircraft manufacturer?? Nothing shows up on Google. Sounds like a made up name that's for sure. I have always wondered why there are flames shooting out the back of the plane on the picture. Extra thrust perhaps? I won't stop collecting that is for sure. Make sure you stop by randomly to check for updates cause I got lots more gliders left to post.

    2. Cousewell is fictitious I am afraid, And the reason for the rocket flame out the back is that in 1945 Kawasaki and Kawanishi did what the Germans did in the final days of WWII, put a rocket engine in the tail to boost takeoff power and overall speed and performance as many late war aircraft were tail heavy, the Hien was no different, when it came to the Ki-61-100 it was VERY heavy tail wise due to its construction. This picture was made specially for the glider. It was to show off a ''Lost prototype'' of a Ki-61-III which WAS fitted with a rocket engine in the back. So really its a little bit of history there. The aircraft's colour scheme too fits a prototype as well, most Japanese prototypes were orange with stripes, either yellow, blue or red.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey there, Have you got the Hien yet? By the way I got some rare HB Taiwan Gliders from 1983, the same ones we saw on that box of gliders that was mixed last year. The Couswell Lightning I found on a French website, it was opened and I saw the contents and it WAS the one that you have bought, so you will have a genuine original from 1969.

  4. Hi, nope I haven't gotten it yet. I have to walk across the border into the USA from Canada to a business that I ship parcels too. I had 15 packages there and I chose to only take 10 home with me because the Canadian border guards always ask for the value of goods that I am taking across the border and I always try to keep the value around $100.00. The 10 packages I took home with me did not include the Hien. I will go back in another month or so. Lately I have been into collecting & restoring old die cast trucks which is why I have so many packages haha. I'm on holidays until July 13th. I hope to post some more pictures of gliders when I get home. If you have any pictures of your gliders or of the Couswell Lightning from that website, send them on over to me and I will post them. My email is I'm going fishing, talk to you later. Thanks for the info on that glider. I am happy to know I have a genuine one.
