Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Glider Identification Question

I received a question from a John asking about some gliders that he found in an old relative's house.  I'm going to rely on the expertise of Eric to help identify them.  When do you think these were made Eric?


  1. I distinctly remember these from late 2001, these were when China just started producing them as they do today, but they were using the left overs of the Taiwan franchise, or the remaining templates...and from then would all turn sour!

  2. Any idea how much they would be worth? Would they be any different than your collection or my collection of Power Prop Flying Gliders?

  3. These are actually a rare breed, because they were only made for a small period of time to get rid of what was left of Taiwan's stash, but they aren't that much to shout about, the official Power Prop you and I both have are worth quite a bit of money, these though you could class as counterfeits, but the only very good quality ones..

    1. I messaged the guy with the question with your answer. He never responded back to me. I guess they weren't worth as much as he had hoped.
